Sunday, July 27, 2008

This Little Light of Mine

My mother's heart had a great warming today when Richie came home from overnight Cub Scout camp with Caleb today and shared the following story...

It was campfire time and all the boys were given the opportunity to tell stories, which they were using to try to scare each other. Caleb got up to take a turn and shared the story of Adam and Eve. He even told about the curse that was put on the snake. The boys continued to tell scary stories. Not Caleb, he went on to share the story of Samson and then David and Goliath through the night.

Caleb chose to share these stories on his own without any leading from Richie. Words cannot express the inner joy I felt when they shared what happened. The choice he made in that moment when all his peers were participating in something completely opposite speaks volumes to me.

The Bible is full of fascinating and exciting stories and I try to share them with enthusiasm to our kids. Caleb must feel this way at least a little since he picked them to share. The next time we pull out our fire pit, I know what we'll be doing. I can picture the Israelites passing down the stories of our faith to the younger generation perhaps at night in front of the fire. I bet this would make them even more memorable for our family and what a great way to spend family time.

Maybe I'll even have to ask Richie to dress up like Moses to storytell... :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, Jo Ann, how your heart must have swelled, you know me --- this moved me to tears. Caleb, how proud God must be of you when you tell His stories. Love you guys!

Karen said...

see? all that "worry" we moms often mull over when it comes to the times we silly because when push comes to shove, those seeds we have planted in faith, shine forth more boldly than the mishaps in our judgement or the failures of our flesh...

how cool, joann........thank YOU Father for being faithful to our children even when we get so frustrated with them!!!! (and frustrated with US...) *smile*